414-395-7939 phil@mkewebdesigns.com




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Website Maintenance

Professional Website Maintenance solutions

Website Security & Maintenance Services

Our job is simple: keep your website up-to-date, secure, up and running, and bug-free. Standard maintenance on your website keeps it looking great, and running fast as we monitor for uptime and performance including daily backup and hourly monitoring. We can also consult, plan and strategize with you based on what isn’t working well for your website from broken links to outdated content to make larger updates and even revamp it as needed.

Our proactive approach to security combines finding and fixing potential threats before they become a problem. If these updates are not performed it can make your website a target. During the first quarter of 2016, the top three outdated plugins were responsible for 25% of all WordPress breaches. Maintaining a site requires version updates, plugin upgrades, and hardware maintenance. As new features are brought online, we can train someone on your team to manage that too.

Testing & Improvements

It’s crucial to build a website that conveys the right message to the buyer, regardless of how they arrive on your site. We leverage responsive design to adjust visual elements on a variety of screen sizes, leading to greater conversion rates. This ensures a consistent approach across desktop, tablet, and mobile platforms.

Developer website testing must go beyond the initial launch to become an ongoing maintenance task. Launching does take a lot of time and energy, but if you want your website to flourish, then you need to test and improve your site consistently. We track and measure everything. You won’t believe the interesting things we can learn about your site and its visitors. And, based on the feedback your users provide, we improve your website accordingly.

Site speed is key to both visitors and search engines alike. 47% of customers expect a site to load in two seconds, and 40% will abandon the visit if it takes more than three seconds to load. Google rewards sites that are mobile-friendly with a special tag and better rankings. Testing and improving increases conversions and ultimately sales. Focus on running your business and let us focus on making sure your site is running smoothly and effortlessly creating revenue.

Ready to promote your website online?

Continued Website Maintenance And Support For Better SEO

Part of MKE Web Designs extensive bag of tricks includes continued website maintenance and support. Keeping a site current and relevant has everything to do with how your site ranks, and how much traffic visits and, ultimately, converts. Our ongoing website maintenance services are geared to maximize your online presence, engage customers with fresh content, and create higher levels of profitability. You don’t need to spend hours learning web design, or have a big budget or hire your own IT department to update your site.

Our Client Testimonials

steve jennings

I am completely satisfied with MKE Web Designs done for you service. They steadily demonstrate a stellar level of professionalism right from the start. Everything is made very clear and they surely understand modern SEO. A lot more traffic is coming to my clients websites.

Steve Jennings
Celina arnold

I’m shocked at what MKE Web Designs services has done for my clients, and I’m excited to see what the team will do for in the near future. The service took about a week or two to warm up and now were going at full steam. I am already reaping the benefits of this service.

Celina Arnold